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We announce with a great pleasure that the participation`s conditions for the new edition of LIGHT Trade Show are available on our website.
03 August 2022


The participation`s conditions for the new edition of LIGHT Trade Show are available!

We announce with a great pleasure that the participation`s conditions for the new edition of Trade Show LIGHT are available on our website.

All the LIGHT 2023 documents, including participation conditions and application forms can be  downloaded HERE.

The fair will be held March 15-17, 2023 at EXPO XXI Warszawa.

Trade Show LIGHT and Trade Show ELECTRICITY in Warsaw, with their huge conference and workshops programme, are the platforms of exchanging connections, knowledge, creativity and innovation, generating a great raft of new opportunities to manufacturers as well as customers.

Here, Polish trade fair visitors are finding a source of information and inspiration to their activity and new projects. Polish economic success has been going on continuously for several decades. Of course, like most economies, Poland is also struggling with the negative effects of the covid pandemic.

However, the strong foundations cause that our country has still a huge potential.


All of you interested in exhibiting at the Light Fair or the Electricity Fair in Warsaw are invited to read the participation`s conditions and to contact us.